Johnny On the Spot Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Las Vegas’

Maintenance or Repairs: Which Should You Choose Now?

Monday, March 4th, 2024

Ideally, we’d say that everyone should purchase repairs when they’re needed, and maintenance every single year in the springtime. But unfortunately, life doesn’t always go exactly as planned and many customers need to choose between one or the other. Maybe customers also need a bit of an introduction on what each service is and what the main differences are between them.

Maintenance is a yearly tune-up that helps to keep your air conditioner efficient and effective year after year.

Air conditioning repair is a service we provide when there’s something wrong with your AC technology and it needs to be fixed.

Now that we’ve gotten this bit of information out, we can get into the more comprehensive part of this blog. Which service, if you had to choose one, would give you the most benefits? And which service should you choose now and why?

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Top 3 Financial HVAC Tips for Tax Season

Monday, February 19th, 2024

Tax season is quickly approaching, which means that many homeowners are trying to either find ways to save money, or ways to use a hefty tax refund that is coming their way. Regardless of where you sit on the spectrum, there is arguably nothing more important to invest in than a furnace repair in Las Vegas.

To give you some perspective, your heating or air conditioning system will be hard at work almost every day of the year trying to match the temperature you set on your thermostat. Whether it works via electricity (like a heat pump), or if burns gas to keep your home warm (a furnace), you’ll be paying the utility bills associated with the condition of your heating system.

If you’re looking to save money, or invest in a part of your home that can save you money in the long run, then your HVAC system is the best place to start. Let’s talk about three major tips for tax season that could end up bringing you more savings than you originally thought.

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Common Causes of Furnace Electrical Problems

Monday, February 5th, 2024

Whether you have a gas or electric furnace, both require electricity for operation. Both types of furnaces can have electrical problems that interfere with how well your unit can operate. Plus, electrical problems can also pose safety hazards for your home and family.

If you suspect that your furnace is having electrical problems, you need to give us a call to schedule a service appointment for your HVAC in Las Vegas. You can keep reading to learn more about some common reasons for furnace electrical problems and the signs of each one so you can stay ahead of safety issues.

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One Small Sensor, One Big Furnace Problem

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

Furnaces are still a popular home heating choice, but they have a very unpopular problem. It stems from a safety device, but even so, it can be inconvenient to deal with. This safety feature helps you sleep easy at night and protect your family–until this happens.

We’re talking about your flame sensor: a small sensor that may be preventing your furnace from starting in the first place, and requiring you to get heating repair in Las Vegas, NV. Let’s talk about what it does and why it’s a more in-depth task than it may sound.

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The One Major Rule of Thumb for Replacing Your Furnace

Monday, January 8th, 2024

Your furnace is reliable, but it’s starting to falter here and there. Maybe it’s a small repair, or it could look like it’s on its last leg. It’s hard to tell just by looking at it, and as homeowners, we can all jump to conclusions when dollar signs fly around and our quality of life hangs in the balance. So how do you know if it’s truly time to replace it?

We’ve handled tons of heating repair in Las Vegas, NV over the years and know whether it looks like a repair or replacement. If you think it might be time to get a new, high-efficiency furnace put in place, read this and we’ll help you out.

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