Johnny On the Spot Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Repair’

Safety Comes First: Furnace Edition

Monday, January 6th, 2025

We’re likely to get a couple of cold spells this winter which means we’ll need to rely heavily on our furnaces until the warmer winds come along. That being said, many customers are dealing with older or outdated furnaces that are in need of replacement, but now might not be the best financial time to make that important investment. We totally understand. While we’d heavily advise a customer with an old furnace to upgrade for safety reasons, we’d also like to reassure customers who aren’t ready to make that leap.

Here are some guidelines to help you run your furnace safely this year, with some tips that can give you peace of mind. Remember, if you detect anything out of the ordinary or that bothers you, call our team ASAP for furnace repair in Las Vegas.

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A Notorious Furnace Smell That Customers Should Be Aware Of

Monday, October 7th, 2024

It’s the first day of the year that you’re finally ready to turn your furnace on. As the sun goes down, the thermostat flips on and you can feel the warmth coming from your vents. That is–until a faint burning odor comes from the same vents where your heat is. You flip the thermostat off in a panic and start furiously looking online for the source of this smell. What’s going on? Is there a safety concern with your furnace?

If this sounds familiar, then you’ve come to the right place! We’re your licensed furnace experts in Vegas, and we can happily walk you through some of the most notorious scents your furnace can give off. Is this smell a safety concern? Or is it just something that happens at the beginning of every heating season? Keep reading to find out, but make sure you schedule furnace repair in Las Vegas with our team if something is wrong.

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Top 3 Financial HVAC Tips for Tax Season

Monday, February 19th, 2024

Tax season is quickly approaching, which means that many homeowners are trying to either find ways to save money, or ways to use a hefty tax refund that is coming their way. Regardless of where you sit on the spectrum, there is arguably nothing more important to invest in than a furnace repair in Las Vegas.

To give you some perspective, your heating or air conditioning system will be hard at work almost every day of the year trying to match the temperature you set on your thermostat. Whether it works via electricity (like a heat pump), or if burns gas to keep your home warm (a furnace), you’ll be paying the utility bills associated with the condition of your heating system.

If you’re looking to save money, or invest in a part of your home that can save you money in the long run, then your HVAC system is the best place to start. Let’s talk about three major tips for tax season that could end up bringing you more savings than you originally thought.

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One Small Sensor, One Big Furnace Problem

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

Furnaces are still a popular home heating choice, but they have a very unpopular problem. It stems from a safety device, but even so, it can be inconvenient to deal with. This safety feature helps you sleep easy at night and protect your family–until this happens.

We’re talking about your flame sensor: a small sensor that may be preventing your furnace from starting in the first place, and requiring you to get heating repair in Las Vegas, NV. Let’s talk about what it does and why it’s a more in-depth task than it may sound.

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