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A Notorious Furnace Smell That Customers Should Be Aware Of

It’s the first day of the year that you’re finally ready to turn your furnace on. As the sun goes down, the thermostat flips on and you can feel the warmth coming from your vents. That is–until a faint burning odor comes from the same vents where your heat is. You flip the thermostat off in a panic and start furiously looking online for the source of this smell. What’s going on? Is there a safety concern with your furnace?

If this sounds familiar, then you’ve come to the right place! We’re your licensed furnace experts in Vegas, and we can happily walk you through some of the most notorious scents your furnace can give off. Is this smell a safety concern? Or is it just something that happens at the beginning of every heating season? Keep reading to find out, but make sure you schedule furnace repair in Las Vegas with our team if something is wrong.

Four Kinds of Furnace Smells.

The Scent of Burning Dust

Let’s start with that smell that’s likely on everyone’s mind this year. The first time you turn your furnace on this season, you’ll likely pick up on a scent that smells like something is burning. It’s not your imagination, but it’s also not an emergency.

This is usually the smell of burning dust that’s been collecting on your system for the past few months. It’s harmless and will usually go away in just a few minutes. But if this smell persists, or smells a little off (like burning plastic) then you might want to turn the system off and call for help. Otherwise, you’re fine!

The Smell of Gas

Now here’s a smell that all of our customers should be aware of. Gas is infused with mercaptan which is the chemical that makes it smell like rotten eggs. This is so customers can easily pick up on it when there’s a leak.

If you smell leaking gas in your home, we advise you to turn your heating system off immediately and call our team for help while you go to safety with your family. Gas problems can be easy to fix but they’re very dangerous until they are.

Smoke, Water Vapor, and Other Gases

Furnaces are designed to vent gases that are harmful to us, like smoke. Even water vapor can be produced from the burning process in your furnace, but it shouldn’t be in your breathable air. That can signal a leak or some other kind of problem like a burning component or frayed electrical part.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is impossible to detect by scent or sight, which is why you need to rely on your CO detectors to pick up on this noxious chemical. But if it’s in your house at all, you need to call our team and go outside ASAP. Carbon monoxide, just like a gas leak, can be fatal when not treated seriously.

Right now we’re doing $39 heater inspections that include a FREE water heater inspection as well. So you can make sure your system is functioning safely right now!

When your HVAC system or plumbing isn’t looking so hot, it’s time to get Johnny On the Spot. 

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