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Why You Should Only Trust a Professional for Drain Cleaning Service

Drains are essential for modern living. We go through a lot of water in our homes, so it’s only fair that we have complex mechanisms for removing the dirty water so it can be cleaned either naturally or with man-made tools.

The problem comes from the fact that what constitutes “dirty water” or “gray water” can often be a mixture of liquids, solids, fats, and other combinations that don’t easily fit down our drains. We’ve all had holiday parties or get-togethers where the sink isn’t draining as quickly as you’d like and the panic sets in. Do you call for help? Do you try to deal with this on your own? What can a plumber do that you can’t?

Well, a plumber will be your best friend in these situations, but not for the reasons you might think. Plumbers know how your plumbing system works, and as we’ll describe below, they can be your trusted source for drain cleaning in Las Vegas. Plus, we offer free estimates and camera inspections so we can see the kind of problem we’re working with.

Drain Chemicals Are Not to Be Trusted

First of all, one of the quickest things homeowners go to when they have a drain clog is chemicals. We understand why–they come in shiny, colorful bottles in a specific aisle at every grocery store. They promise amazing things that they can do, and they swear that they’re safe or don’t release hazardous fumes. While these things might make for great promises, they usually ring hollow when you actually use them.

Plumbing pipes are not designed to take in chemicals that are too acidic or caustic. They could deteriorate the lining that protects your pipes to the point where they cause leaks. They might not even actually help with the clog at hand, which we’re sure many homeowners are already aware of. They make big promises but rarely follow through on them.

You Could Damage Your Pipes

Even when you decide to forego the drain cleaning chemicals and opt for more traditional plumbing methods, you might still damage your pipes. These pipes require specifically sized solutions, and plungers or drain snakes need to be used correctly in order to accurately clear the clog away.

If you’re not careful, you could break a seal or rupture one of your pipes which would be expensive to replace. This is not a risk that’s worth taking, especially when professional drain cleaning services are as affordable as they are.

Industrial-Grade Equipment Is Better

Did you know that plumbers have access to industrial-grade plumbing equipment like plungers and snakes? It’s true. Even if they don’t bring out the big guns like hydro jets, they still can alleviate common clogs with plumbing equipment that most customers just don’t have access to.

Experience Goes a Long Way

Look, as your friendly local plumber, trust us when we say we’ve seen these kinds of clogs a thousand times before. We know how to alleviate even the most stubborn clogs, with just water, force, and a little bit of physics. It’s complicated, but our experience and training allow us to make it simple for our customers.

Just remember–When your HVAC system or plumbing isn’t looking so hot, it’s time to get Johnny On the Spot. 

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