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Discovering a System in Disrepair: Tips and Tricks

Disrepair can be an uncomfortable topic. Nobody wants to learn whether their air conditioner is broken down or malfunctioning. While this might be something your subconscious would rather avoid, your future self will thank you if you detect the issue now rather than later when the system breaks down on the hottest day of the year.

But right now we have the opportunity to fix those problems before they become worse. This blog is going to hopefully help you detect whether you need AC repair in Las Vegas now, or if you’re in good shape.

Tips for Detecting a Problem

We’d like to split the issues we’re about to discuss into two categories. There are overt problems that are easy to detect, and covert problems that require a second opinion or a more indirect way of detecting them. We’ll start with some of the obvious overt problems that can easily be detected just by listening or looking at your air conditioner. But then we’ll go right into some covert issues that might require a bit of inspection or the scheduling of an appointment with a professional.

Discovering a System in Disrepair: Tips and Tricks

Strange Noises
Foul Odors
A Full Breakdown

Poor Comfort or Control
Dirty Components

Overt AC Problems

What air conditioner problems are more obvious to detect? Let’s take a look.

  • Strange noises. If your air conditioner is making a bubbling or hissing sound, or it just started grinding whenever it turns on, then something is seriously wrong. This is a clear indication that repairs are required.
  • Foul odors. Sometimes water can get clogged up in the condensate drain. This often allows for mold growth and the odor to permeate through your air conditioning system and into your home. A foul odor signifies something is definitely wrong and warrants scheduling a repair.
  • A full breakdown. Face it–if your air conditioner doesn’t turn on when it’s supposed to, then it needs to be fixed. You probably don’t need us to tell you this, but it warrants a mention. Also, your furniture and objects in the home absorb heat, which means that it takes a long time for a recently fixed AC to cool your home down again. It could take 24 hours for that AC to finish cooling off your home.

Covert AC Problems

Are you still pretty sure there’s something wrong, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? Here are some covert issues that can still signal a problem–but they might require a professional to investigate them first.

  • Poor comfort or control. Uncomfortable temperatures are a problem, but we’d urge homeowners to check their thermostats first before calling for help. This could be a setting or calibration issue that ultimately can be resolved with some troubleshooting. Otherwise, if this doesn’t fix the issue, call our team for help.
  • Inefficiency. Keep your energy bills close by and tell us if you spot a trend. Prices shouldn’t be regularly going up or spiking, as this could be a sign of inefficiency. This is usually a symptom of a problem.
  • Dirty components. If you’re detecting poor air quality in your home, then you might have dirty components that are running less efficiently.

Note: If your air conditioner isn’t reaching the temperature set on your thermostat, make sure it’s not more than 20 degrees below the outside temperature. This is what’s called the “temperature differential” and it’s important to understand that an air conditioner can’t cool your home realistically more than 20 degrees cooler than the outdoor temperature. Your AC could be functioning normally if it can’t cool your home down to 70 degrees on a 100-degree day. It’s doing the best it can!

It’s time to get your air conditioner fixed if any of these issues sound familiar. Schedule an appointment today. When your HVAC system or plumbing isn’t looking so hot, it’s time to get Johnny On the Spot. 

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